Digitizing the PDoC Museum Collection

In order to ease our research and give access to our collection to historians and writers who are collaborating with us, we started to digitise the vintage glass slides and documents.
We aimed at meeting Museum standards. In this connection we want to give special thanks to Elizabeth CHIANG from the George Eastman Museum (Rochester, NY) for her valuable advice regarding hardware and software tools for the photographic and scanner stands.
Prior to any photo shooting sequence, we identify the original set and manufacturer for each slide. We evaluate the slide condition and lightly clean the external sides of the glass and repair or replace edge tape and labels when really needed.
The camera is set to produce both RAW and JPEG files with a picture resolution of 6000 x 4000 pixels (ca. 8K). It is possible to export files from RAW to TIFF format at a later stage. After the shooting, we name the files with the appropriate date, set name, slide number and title. Finally, we add the new batch of files to the PDoC Museum Digital Collection and make it available to researchers and historians.
Photo-Drama of Creation slide digitised with our photo stand.

Photo-Drama of Creation slide 129 "Dante's Inferno - Frozen Lake" from the PDoC Museum Collection digitised using our photo stand.